Healthy Footnotes

4 Tips For What To Do Before and After Exercise

Friends chatting after the excercise in the nature

Few things feel as good as working up a sweat. With the adrenaline pumping, your heart racing, and your favorite soundtrack in your ears, you might feel positively invincible. Alas—you’re not, and without a proper routine before and after your regular exercise session, the joy of today’s workout even when you are equipped with the right orthotics and equipment could still lead to aches and pains tomorrow.

Wondering what to do before exercise and after exercise to maximize the benefits of your exercise routine? There’s no one-size-fits-all answer, but modern science and time-tested results have given us plenty of guidance.

This article will tackle everything from before workout warms ups to post workout fuel-ups. Read on to find out the best way to make every set and rep count while you prioritize and protect your health. 

#1 Get Rest and Relaxation

Your body doesn’t function properly without proper sleep. That means 7 to 8 hours of sleep per night is an absolute must if you’re looking to make headway in the gym and start seeing results.

Unfortunately, it’s estimated that more than 100 million Americans don’t get an adequate amount of sleep each night, effectively cutting into their potential for exercise success, and negatively impacting their health in general.1

It’s important to make sure you are following the proper recovery timeline for both before and after your workout.

Before the Workout

Sleep is your body’s time to recover from the day. If you haven’t gotten your nightly Z’s, you’re likely to start feeling it when you start working out. Muscles may become sorer without the proper rest, and you may even increase your chance of serious strains and injuries. 

Getting adequate sleep before you hit the gym can help on several fronts:

After the Workout

What you do in the gym can make bedtime a little (or a lot better). After you’ve pushed yourself to make gains, you may notice a big boost in the quality of your sleep. 

That said, it’s important to take steps to ensure high-quality sleep that enables muscle recovery and leaves you ready for tomorrow’s activities. To that end:

Prioritizing sleep is hard; there are only so many hours in the day. If you’re struggling to fit in a proper night’s sleep, consider rearranging your schedule to make more time for shut-eye. It could mean a world of difference for your physical fitness.

#2 Fuel Your Body with Proper Nutrients

Your body is a machine—a very hungry machine. Everything you eat has a direct impact on how you feel both in and outside the gym. 

Plan your meals and snacks with your workout routine in mind.

Before the Workout

If you’re wondering about the essential aspects of pre-working fueling, consider the following rules of thumb:

If you’re looking for specific inspiration for pre-workout meals, we’d recommend:

After the Workout

Now that you’ve burned off all those carbs and pushed your muscles, you’ll want to focus on foods that promote muscle recovery.

Some favorite post workout meals include:

Choose high-protein ingredients that will aid your body in building muscle. Then, add starches and grains that can satiate your hunger.

There’s no reason to feel sore and hungry. Healthy eating by maintaining a consistent diet of quality food is one of the best ways to ensure steady fitness progression and solid long-term heath.

#3 Warm Up and Cool Down

Do you know how to stretch? Failing to properly warm up and cool down can increase your risk of injury and fatigue.

It takes extra time to stretch and limber up, but the benefits to your long-term mobility and health are more than worth it.

Before the Workout

With proper sleep and a belly-full of nutritious food, you’re probably ready to strap on your walking shoes for men or women and jump into the action and show that squat rack what you’re made of. While you may be raring to go, it’s essential to warm up before diving headfirst into your more strenuous exercise routine.

A warm-up is the best way to avoid potential injuries and acclimate your body to your routine. While many people still advocate for static stretches as an important warm-up activity, fitness experts today are less likely to recommend them. Beginning your workout with static stretching is actually more likely to cause an injury than prevent one. 

Instead, consider these dynamic options for your pre-workout warm-up:

Bodyweight exercises are a great way to begin a workout. You’re less likely to get injured and the only thing you need to begin is a mat.

After the Workout

Cooling down after your main workout—whether it’s weightlifting or high-intensity interval training—is just as important as warming up. 

Now we get to stretch. Following a full workout, your limbs should be nice and warmed up, making injury far less likely. The benefits of post workout stretching include:

#4 Plan for Future Progress

Following a proper warm-up, your body should be well prepared for a serious workout. The problem is that without a proper plan, a workout can be ineffective or even dangerous.

Want to see real gains?

Hit the gym or fitness studio with a concrete plan, and evaluate it after you finish.

Before the Workout

To make the most of your routine, take a moment to do the following:

After the Workout

How did it go? Take stock of your results so that you can plan for the future.

Keep the following guidelines in mind:

Hit The Ground Running with Vionic

Working out is less about doing everything perfectly and more about putting your best effort in. When you make a plan to care for yourself before and after your workout, you can set yourself up for success every time you exercise. 

For one more way to put your best foot forward, there’s Vionic.

We’re making a difference in the gym and on the street with fashionable active sneakers  and innovative design. At Vionic, we’ve developed orthotics and shoes that excel in keeping you going through even the toughest workouts. Visit Vionic today and see how we’re redefining comfort from the ground up.



  1. Everyday Health. The Intimate Relationship Between Fitness and Sleep. 
  2. Healthline. 16 Cooldown Exercises You Can Do After Any Workout. 
  3. Healthline. Pre-Workout Nutrition: What to Eat Before a Workout. 
  4. Very Well Health. Adenosine and Sleep. 
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