Healthy Footnotes

How To Widen Shoes: 4 Effective Methods and Techniques

How To Widen Shoes

Finding the perfect pair of shoes can be an exciting experience, but only if that stylish pair that caught your eye still feels good on your feet after a few laps around the store (or your apartment). Otherwise, tight shoes can cause discomfort, blisters, and even foot pain, making it essential to find ways to widen them for a better fit.

Thankfully, it’s possible to learn how to make shoes wider without wrecking them. It just takes some careful steps and a little effort.

If you’re interested in taking the big stretch, we’re here to help. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the various methods and techniques for how to stretch shoes wider, ensuring you can step out in style and comfort.

Understanding the Need to Widen Shoes: When and Why

You pulled on your brand-new loafers this morning, eager to show off your favorite kicks. After going about your day and arriving home you discover swollen feet and blisters below. You then begin to wonder, “Do I need wide shoes?”

Don’t fear—if you think you need wide-width shoes there are ways you can go about stretching your beloved new pair. In fact, widening shoes can add up to a half-size of room depending on the type of material and newness of the shoe.1

From rigid new shoes to suddenly uncomfortable old favorites, here are some common situations where you might need to stretch shoes for wide feet:

Effective Methods for Shoe Widening

So, whether you’re breaking in new soles, accommodating bunions, or seeking to widen some unyielding styles, these tried-and-true methods will help your feet fall in love with your shoes.

Method #1: Ice Technique

Make room in your freezer. If you have water and plastic bags, you can widen your shoes by harnessing the power of the elements.

As water freezes, it expands and takes up more room. When this phenomenon happens inside a pair of shoes, it puts extra pressure on the shoe’s materials—and voila! You have some more room. Follow these steps to widen your tight shoe with ice:2

  1. Fill two sealable plastic bags halfway with water and place them inside the shoes, ensuring they cover the tight areas (usually the forefoot and heels).
  2. Put the plastic bag-filled shoes in the freezer until the water freezes (around four to eight hours).
  3. Remove the plastic bags and try on the shoes. If they need further stretching, repeat with more water in the plastic bags.

Method #2: Shoe Stretchers

This might just be your best friend for giving shoes a safe stretch.

Shoe stretchers are solid structures meant to sit in shoes and expand their size. Depending on your needs, they can come in a variety of types, including:3

No matter your stretching needs, you need to make sure your shoe stretcher is the right size. Typically, shoe stretchers come in men’s sizes, women’s sizes, or adjustable sizes. Once you have the appropriate shoe stretcher in your shoe size, master how to expand shoes with these steps:

  1. Apply a shoe stretching spray (best for suede and leather shoes) on the inside or outside of the shoe area that needs stretching.
  2. Insert the shoe stretchers into the shoes.
  3. Stretch the tight shoe by turning the knob, then keep turning it until you encounter resistance.
  4. Leave the stretcher in and let it work its magic—at minimum, overnight, and up to 48 hours, if you’re so inclined.

Method #3: DIY Techniques

No plastic bags or shoe stretchers on hand? No worries. You can stretch your shoes with some common items found in your home.

Moisture and heat are two of your best friends for stretching (most) shoes. Try these DIY methods to achieve a small stretch without leaving the house:2

Method #4: Professional Assistance

If you have delicate, expensive, or seriously tough shoes that need widening, you may need professional help to reach new strides. Your local cobbler can stretch shoes without damaging their structure or materials.

Shoe Material—How Does It Impact Widening?

Pause before picking up the hair dryer. While every widening method has its use, you have to take a shoe’s material into account before you give it a stretch. Otherwise, you risk damaging the shoe permanently.

Before attempting any stretching, consider these tips for widening each type of shoe:

Tips and Precautions: Best Practices for Safe Shoe Widening

Shoe widening can be a game-changer, providing sweet relief from cramped toes and heel blisters. However, it’s crucial to approach this task with care, as improperly executed techniques can lead to unintended consequences, such as damaging those beloved sneakers or heels.

By following these best practices and safety tips, you can practice stretching shoes for wide feet while preserving the beauty and functionality of your footwear:

Maintaining the Widened Fit: Care and Maintenance Tips for Extended Comfort

You’ve successfully widened your cute shoes for wide feet—now what?

The journey doesn’t stop at a single stretch. To enjoy the benefits of your newly widened shoes for the long haul, you need proper care and maintenance. Preserve your comfort with these insights into keeping the widened fit of your shoes:

Find the Perfect Fit With Vionic

Don’t let a little tightness and pinching lead your favorite shoes to the donation bin. If your shoes are slightly tight, they have a chance at a second life (and size). By knowing how to stretch shoes for wide feet, you can keep your favorites in rotation without sacrificing an ounce of style or comfort.

But after all that, what’s the best way to “widen” shoes? Start by familiarizing yourself with the difference between wide vs regular shoes. If you have wider feet, wide-width footwear would be the perfect option.

At Vionic, no feet are beyond our reach. Through biomechanical designs, ample sizes, and stylish looks, we make podiatric support an easy choice for all feet, big or small. If you want to step into comfort, pick your favorite wide-width shoes today and feel the difference of a perfect fit.



  1. Cruel, jessica et al. “How to Stretch Shoes That Are Too Small.” SELF. 24 December, 2018.
  2. Milbrand, Lisa. “How to Stretch Shoes so They Fit Better Than Ever.” RealSimple. Updated 29, August, 2022.
  3. Stimpert, Desiree. “All About Shoe Stretchers, Including 10 Recommendations.” Byrdie. Updated 8 November, 2022.
  4. “Crowe, Portia. The right way to stretch your leather shoes.” Business Insider. 25 February, 2015.
  5. Head, Ally. “Ever wondered how to stretch shoes? A fashion expert explains how.” Cosmopolitan. Updated 11 December, 2022.
  6. Keilholtz, Jeffrey. “How to stretch suede.” eHow.
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