Introducing the Recovery Believers Series with Brooke Ely Danielson: Make well-being a priority.

At Vionic, we’re more than just a footwear company—we create wearable well-being for your feet. We began by revolutionizing medical orthotics. Today we are committed to harnessing our medical founding in the advancement of biomechanics to engineer significantly better performing shoes that strengthen your natural movement while aligning and balancing you, feet first. 

Our vision is to be the leading authority in solution driven alignment footwear that uniquely delivers on our Northern California aesthetic and style of living. Every pair is powered by our exclusive Vio Motion Technology. Putting on a pair of Vionics is a ritual, part of your commitment to your performance, your well-being, your style. 

Balance, we believe, is a powerful force that exists within all of us. When we find harmony within ourselves—physically, emotionally, and mentally—and with the world around us, we become unstoppable. It’s this belief that has shaped our latest innovation: the VRX Recovery Sandal series, our advanced recovery collection. A lightweight design that perfectly balances ultra-cushioning, support, and stability to optimize recovery. 


To introduce our new VRX collection, we’ve partnered with Brooke Ely Danielson, a wellness writer, plant-based nutritionist, athlete, and founder of the 12Seeds Newsletter. Brooke embodies the ethos of recovery as a holistic ritual—one that blends physical rest, mental clarity, and emotional well-being. 

“Recovery is crucial to not only my physical health but my mental health,” Brooke shares. “Allowing my body to slow down, reset, and give myself grace has made me stronger.” Whether it’s after a long run or during stressful days, Brooke makes recovery an integral part of her lifestyle, and the VRX Recovery Sandal has become a key part of that process. 

She continues, “I love Vionic. The Wave RX Recovery Sandal is like therapy for my feet. It’s a must-have after marathon runs, and it feels incredible after long, tough days. Recovery isn’t just a physical act—it’s a state of mind.” 


Brooke’s wellness journey aligns perfectly with Vionic’s mission to help people move with purpose and embrace balance in all aspects of life. From journaling to meditation, Brooke shares how she builds her own well-being ritual: “Write your own rules. I journal to track my progress and stay grounded, and I meditate most mornings to set my nervous system up for the day.” 


At the heart of Vionic’s VRX design is the understanding that recovery isn’t just something we do after a hard workout—it’s a way of life. As Brooke suggests, “Discover your own ritual. Finding your well-being and recovery is about leaning into what makes you feel good.” 

We invite you to explore your own path to balance and recovery with Vionic. Where will your recovery ritual take you? 

Discover the VRX Recovery Collection today. 

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