Healthy Footnotes

Pinched Nerves In Feet and How to Treat Them

Man soaking feet in water


Have you ever experienced that uncomfortable “pins and needles” feeling in your feet? 

The sensation could be from spending a few too many hours sitting stationary in the car, or it could be something much worse: neuromas. Also known as pinched nerves, neuromas are a foot ailment that isn’t as easily remedied as a sleepy foot. No matter if you have a pinched nerve in your foot or are experiencing some other kind of foot issue, finding comfortable sandals or any other kind of everyday shoe that provides support is so important.

So, how can you kick pesky pinched nerves to the curb? 

Read on for a variety of nerve pain treatments, as well as common causes, symptoms, and preventions to spend more time on your feet and on the go.

Common Signs and Symptoms of Pinched Nerves

Neuromas, or pinched nerves in the foot, are most common among women and occur when a nerve or cluster of nerves experience pressure buildup in the surrounding bones and joints. The American Podiatric Medical Association defines neuromas as nerve tumors that form near the toes. Not to worry—these tumors are benign, but they certainly can cause a fair amount of discomfort. 

Those suffering from a neuroma may experience one of the following common symptoms:

If you’re experiencing one or some of these symptoms—particularly near your toes or the balls of your feet—it may be due to a pinched nerve. Whether chronic pain, numbness, or tingling has been a persistent issue or you’re feeling it for the first time, it’s important to pinpoint the cause to ensure long-term recovery and damaged nerve prevention.

What Causes Pinched Nerves in Feet? 

Perhaps you spent too many hours dancing in narrow-toed high heels, or maybe you laced up your track shoes a bit too tightly before your workout. Either way, pinched nerve roots can often be linked to footwear, particularly pairs that keep your toes cramped and inhibit movement.

If you don’t think your shoe is the culprit, there may be other causes causing your  chronic pain.

When suffering from a pinched nerve in the feet, you’ll want to continue to monitor your pain to make sure the symptoms don’t worsen. Depending on the severity of your nerve problem, the road to recovery will look a bit different from patient to patient

How to Treat Pinched Nerves in Feet

Luckily, treatment for a pinched nerve in the foot can often be done right at home, without the need of a podiatrist. However, if you find that your feet are regularly afflicted by neuromas, or that your symptoms worsen over time, you’ll want to schedule an appointment for your podiatrist to have a closer look.

At-Home Treatment

If you’re experiencing a pinched nerve in your foot for the first time, it’s most likely safe to try an at-home remedy before seeking professional help.

If you’re still not experiencing any relief after trying an at-home treatment, it may be time to put your foot down and enlist the help of a licensed professional to take a look at your foot.

Diagnosis and Treatment by a Doctor

Paying attention to your symptoms and making necessary adjustments to relieve discomfort is the best way to keep your condition from getting worse. However, in some cases, nerve tumors grow too large to be properly treated at home. 

If so, contact a licensed podiatrist to professionally assess your condition.

While each podiatrist may differ in treatment plans, most podiatrists follow general diagnosis and recovery guidelines: 

Treatment plans can be expensive, lengthy, and uncomfortable. So, how can you stop a pinched nerve in its tracks and avoid the doctor’s visits? Keep neuromas on their feet and be proactive about your foot health.

How to Prevent Pinched Nerves 

First, don’t wait until the pain starts. Instead, be mindful of your history of neuromas or other foot problems like peroneal tendonitis, the amount of time you spend on your feet, and the shoes you’re wearing. If you prescribe to the following tips, you’ll be a shoe-in for foot health:

Enhance Your Foot Health with Vionic 

Just like inside ankle pain, a pinched nerve can be painful, and just plain inconvenient. Luckily, those who suffer from pinched nerve symptoms have a footpath toward recovery.

Vionic is here to help along that journey. 

We are a team of professionals who care about enhancing your foot health. Using breakthrough technology, such as the Zone Comfort model, we provide arch-supporting, toe-cushioning, heel-stabilizing, podiatrist-approved shoes and inserts designed specifically for your comfort. 

If you’re looking for footwear that supports your neuroma-prone feet but won’t sacrifice on style, look no further than Vionic. Or, add an extra layer of support with our Vionic Insoles, which can be fitted into every shoe, from tennis shoes to soccer cleats.  

Begin your journey today by shopping our collection of sandals, activewear, dress shoes, and more at Vionic.



  1. “Neuromas”. American Podiatric Medical Association.
  2. Jill Seladi-Schulman. “What Causes a Pinched Nerve in Your Foot and How Can You Treat It?”. Healthline. Aug 19, 2019,


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